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Page Retrievability Calculator

Knowing how easily pages within a website can be retrieved using the site's search functionality provides crucial information to the site designer. If the system is not retrieving particular pages then the system or information may need to be changed to ensure that visitors to the site have the best chance of finding the relevant information.

In this demo paper, we present a Page Retrievability Calculator, which estimates the retrievability of a page for a given search engine. To estimate the retrievability, instead of posing all possible queries, we focus on issuing only those likely to retrieve the page and use them to obtain an accurate approximation. We can also rank the queries associated with the page to show the site designer what queries are most likely to retrieve the pages and at what rank. With this application we can now explore how it might be possible to improve the site or content to improve the retrievability.


Illustrations above from Font Awesome under CC 4.0 Attribution